Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Letter from POCKETT,

This is only the beginning and you have the pleasure of saying that you were here! At the beginning, you believed in me enough to "Back POCKETT" and I, we will never forget this!! This Success is as much for you as it is for us so cheers to ALL that made this possible! 


Make the skirt, Don't let it make you

Look 1
Pair this skirt with a blazer (zara) and dash out the door like a #BOSS 
Removing the blazer takes you from #BOSS to #BABE in an instant! 

Look 2
Same vintage skirt paired with a basic black bodysuit, an olive green vest, and I added a vintage gold belt to make this look Pop! If you haven't noticed already, I love to through my boots on with girly frocks! That's my fashion version of savory 😉 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

An outfit for A sudden breeze!

Hi Pockett Family!! Ok is it just me or is this weather crazy! I could've sworn it was 75 degrees everyday last week and now it has dropped to 45 degrees in Atlanta!! How do you even dress for this yet still look cute in the meantime? Not to worry we have the answer for you in today's post! For this outfit I originally wanted to wear my new dress I brought from anthropology however it was way too cold now. I had to think fast, so I went into my closet and paired this chic Pockett filled dress with my racer style jacket,threw on some tights and topped it off with a scarf and my black Steve Madden boots! Now I'm ready to face the cold and I was still able to wear the dress I wanted without freezing!!